
The history of Arboretum Kalmthout goes back as far as 1856, when the Antwerp dendrologist Charles Van Geert started a proving ground in Kalmthout for his nursery in Antwerp. It remained a nursery until 1952, when the brothers Georges and Robert de Belder bought the site to create their private botanical garden there.

Under the inspiring leadership of Robert and Jelena De Belder, Arboretum Kalmthout grew into one of the world's most prestigious botanic collections. The hundreds of new plants they introduced came from friends and growers all over the world. They collected seeds in the wild, and also selected a number of new cultivars.
In addition to collecting new plants, increasing importance was given to scientific and educational aspects. In 1986 Antwerp Provincial Authority purchased the site. The independent non-profit organisation Arboretum Kalmthout retained full responsibility for management, upkeep, and operation. In 2013 the non-profit organisation was converted into an external independent agency of the province of Antwerp.
Spurred on by the provincial authorities, the momentum for improving the visitor facilities grew. In 1995, a new welcome centre was built with all the necessary facilities. An extension containing toilets followed in 2005. The historic Vangeertenhof underwent a thorough renovation in 2000 with the ground floor converted into a multi-purpose public area. Due to some purchases, the area of the gardens increased by as much as twenty percent, a unique development for botanical gardens and arboretums these days. Since then, Arboretum Kalmthout has covered 12.5 hectares.
In 2014, work will begin on several major infrastructure projects. The work will take about six months to complete. There will be a new entrance, a renovated car park, and a paved connecting pathway between the welcome centre, the historic Vangeertenhof, the bonsai workshop, and the open air theatre.
The future looks exciting thanks to the close collaboration with the Antwerp provincial authorities. Together we will find appropriate solutions with a clear outlook for the future for a park with a world-class plant collection.